Relocation Services Strohmayer offers the full range of services in order to guarantee a successful and problem-free relocation. We gladly support you with all logistical and organizational steps until you can welcome the new talent in your local team.
During the briefing you will get a first overview of what the timetable of the relocation will look like for you and your transferee.
Residence permit
In order to relieve your HR department of organizational matters, we collect all necessary documents, organize official translations and make sure that the complete applications are submitted at the right authorities in a timely manner. We provide logistical support and accompaniment in connection with local authorities and therefore help with overcoming language barriers. Naturally, we provide regular updates to the HR department during the entire process.
Work permit
As with the residence permit, we help with the collection of the documents and ensure that organizational and language barriers can be overcome.
Monitoring System
Since most permits are issued for a limited time period, we offer a monitoring service. We inform you in advance of impending necessary extensions and will be happy to help with the organization.

Relocation Services Strohmayer sees itself as the link and interface between all parties who are involved in the arrival and departure process and helps you keep track of everything.
There are a lot of things to think about when relocating to Austria. In the briefing, you and your transferee will get an overview of what you can expect.
Home finding
Moving to a new country is always a big challenge. One important step is giving the transferee an overview of the housing market and infrastructure. Relocation Services Strohmayer helps your transferee on the way to a new home.
Family Support
Should your employee relocate with children, then our team will be happy to help with the search for schools and kindergartens that are most suitable to the needs of the whole family.
Settling in
So that the employee can enjoy the new home from the very beginning, Relocation Services Strohmayer takes care of all organizational steps in connection with local authorities, insurances, telecommunication companies and energy suppliers.

We are happy to support you with all necessary steps from beginning to end, in order to make everything go as smooth as possible.
We develop a clear departure timetable for your transferee, so that all important steps can be planned in a timely manner.
We help with organizational steps in connection with rental contracts, in order to prevent possible additional costs after the local job has ended. The same is true for insurances, telephone and internet contracts, bank accounts and other memberships which were set-up during the stay.
Property Return
The return of a property takes a lot of preparation and organization. Our departure counselors are happy to help with all organizational requirements in order to return the property in an orderly fashion.
As a final step, the transferee needs to deregister at the local authorities. We are happy to help keep track of which deregistrations are necessary as part of the departure process.